Lytec Dashboard

New Dashboards in Lytec 2022

New Practice Financial Dashboard

The Practice Financial Dashboard has three informational sections.
• Production Report, including breakdown of Charges, Payments, Adjustments
• A line graph of Charges and Payments
• Adjusted Net Collection Percentage

Each of the sections displays data based on the current system date at the time is it displayed. The information is current at the point of displaying the information for the entire practice.

You can now view key financial and operational data in CGM LYTEC using two new dashboards.
These dashboards are available in all versions of CGM LYTEC.

There are two new dashboards: Patient Encounter and Practice Financial. Each dashboard shows
you key information about that area of your practice using graphs and metrics.

New User Option
There is a new option under Admin > User Preferences > Default tab: Show Dashboard on Startup.

Use Preferences Default Tab

Use this option to specify a default action at startup for the dashboards. You can select to have either the Practice Financial or Patient Encounter dashboard open at logon or you can select to have neither one. The default value is None.

New Security Profile Option
There are two new options under Security Profile in the Reports section, which you can use to set a user’s access to the dashboards. By default, these selections are unchecked and must be checked for each user who is granted access to the Dashboards.

Security Profile Screen

New Menu Option
There is a new menu option on the Reports menu: Dashboard Options. On this option, there are two sub-options, which you can use to open one of the dashboards.

Reports Menu Screen

New Patient Encounter Dashboard
The Patient Encounter Dashboard has three informational sections:
• Patient Visits Count
• Percentage of Canceled and Missed Appointments
• Average Charges Per Visit

• Date Range: You can specify a date range for the information. The date range selected
automatically applies to all sections of the dashboard.

Date Range

Providers: You can select which providers (single, multiple, all) you want to see metrics for. CGM LYTEC will remember which providers you selected and automatically filter the dashboard based on the previous selection. If you do not select any providers, all appointments will appear, including appointments with no provider.

Provider Selection

Print: if you want to print the information, click the Print button.

Print Button

Patient Visits Count Section
This section shows the sum of unique dates of service within billings that were created during the selected time range. The system will calculate the number of visits based on unique Dates of Service (for the listed Transaction Code Types) found in the billing detail. Duplicate Dates of Service will not count as multiple Dates of Service. The total count will display on the top of the bar graphs for both the selected period and the prior year of the selected date range.

The following Transaction Code Types will be counted:
• Procedure-Insurance
• Procedure-Unclassified
• Inventory

If the billing detail has a Date of Service with a “From” and “To” date which are different, CGM LYTEC will calculate “visits” by using the number of units.

Percent of Appointments Canceled/Missed
The section will individually sum those appointments with a Canceled or Missed status and divide those numbers by the total appointments (with patient charts only) during the same time period and display a percentage of canceled appointments or percentage of missed appointments of the total appointments.

Average Charges Per Visit
The system will calculate the total amount of charges for the selected time period and divide that number by the number of visits created during the same time period. The number of visits will be unique Dates of Service, using the criteria specified above, and not include multiple charge lines for a Date of Service. The resulting dollar amount will display on the top of the bar graphs for both the selected period and the prior year of the selected date range.

Patient Encounters Dashboard

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