Lytec Prepay

How to add patient copayments and payments in Lytec

1.  If a patient is making a payment, for instance for a co-pay, there are a couple different ways it can be entered.

2.  One way would be to highlight a transaction line, then hit F5 (on your keyboard), or click the Detail button, then Pay Item.

3.  This will call up the Pay Item window.  Enter the (payment) Date, TX Code (this should be one of your Patient Payment codes), optionally a Reference (like the check number, or a note indicating what this payment is for), and the Payment amount.

4.  You can add additional payments at this time by clicking the Payment button on the bottom of the Pay Item window.

5.  Click OK when finished, then Save.

6.  An alternate way of entering patient payments, which also allows you print a receipt for the patient or insured, would be through the Patient record.

7.  To enter a payment using this alternate method, on the main menu click Lists, then Patient, then Patients.

8.  Lookup or enter the Patient Chart.  Then on the right-hand side of the window, click the Patient button, then Prepayment…

9.  This will open the Setup Prepayment Window.

10. Click the Add… button to add a new payment.

11. Enter Prepayment Amount, the Date Entered, and a Transaction Code (this should be a patient payment code).

12. Optionally you can enter a Reference (typically a check number, or note about the payment).

13. You can now click the Print button, then Print or Preview Report.

14. Prepayments can be applied from the Charges and Payments screen under the Detail button, then Apply Prepay.

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